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Tennessee Walking Horses


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I Got Pumped Up Kicks. Black Tovero. KS Arts Trad KS Brownie. Sire: Dam: (800 when finished) (awaiting color) 


BVF Olav Brage Iskall, 20?? Classic Champagne Tobiano. OF PS TWH DAH  Sire: Dam:  (200)


The Ghost That Walks AKA The Alienist.  Black Sabino 1999. Rose Independence Resin CMed by Lea Magga of Finland, finished by NAG Productions. Sire: Deja Blu (r) 199? blk sab [The Pusher C. G. X Ebony's Dolly Delight] Dam: Society's Dangerous Lady (r) 1996 ch [Gen's Armed And Dangerous X P T S Society Girl] (2,500) 


BVF Moonlight Stars, 2016 Black Frame/Sabino stallion. OF Pim/Lippazaner foal Sire: Pushin Moonlight (m) (A Trace Of Moonlught X Pusher's Generatin Swirls) Dam: BVF Bums Magic Threat (m) (No Idle Threat (m) X Mistrils Daughter) (45)


Pusher's Eagle Encore 199? Loud Bay sabino. SM TWH CM finished by NAG Sire:  Dam: (50) 


Gen's Cotton Jones. 199? Bay Tobiano. SM TWH CM finished by NAG Sire:  Dam: (50)


Pushomatic. Chesntut Maximum Sabino. 200? Midnight Sun CM by NAG. Sire: Blanko Buster (r) 2000-2001 ? Sab [Pushers Bustin Loose X Master Copy’s Torri]  Dam: Bullet Proof Bess (m) ch sab [Gen's Armed And Dangerous (r) ch X ?] (1,000) 

Dangerous ObsessionBlack Sabino, on pads. 1999. Mini Indy (Mindy) resin finished by NAG. Sire: Kodachrome ® 1995 [The Pusher C.G. X Generator’s Yaya]  Dam: The Generating Lady  ® 1996 [Prides Generator X  Ebonys Front Page] NAN Q'd for 2015-16​ (200) *broken ears.

BVF Hawke's Revenge. Black Frame Overo. PS OOAK TEST TWH FCM "Hawke".  Sire: A Trace Of Moonlight (r) [Moonlight Chief X Moonlight Diablo]  Dam: (550) 

BVF Pushin MoonlightBlack sabino/frame Overo. PS OOAK TWH "Donlon" in matte.  Sire: A Trace Of Moonlight (r) [Moonlight Chief X Moonlight Diablo] Dam: Pusher's Generating Swirls (r) [Gen's Phantom Pusher X Dale's Pusher Miracle). Lines to Prides Design, Midnight Mack K., Prides Generator, The Pusher C.G x2 (500) 

BVF Gen’s Walkin With Class. chestnut Sabino, PS OOAK FCM TWH "Raton",  Sire: Dam:  NAN Q'd.  Superior Champ in IMEHA (450) 

BVF My Prized Pusher. Black Sabino 200?. PS OOAK FCM eBay store TWH, Sire: Kodachrome ® 95 [The Pusher C.G. X Generator’s Yaya]  Dam:  NAN Q'd. Superior champ in IMEHA. (400) 

BVF My Temptation . chestnut tovero. PS OOAK TWH, “Nome” in matte.  Sire:  Dam:  NAN Q'd. Superior champion in IMEHA. (400)

OSS Chromed Out Cat.  (ID) 1999 Black Tovero (tobiano/Sabino), Midnight Sun CM by NAG.  Sire: Kodachrome ® 1995 blk Sabino [The Pusher C.G. X Generator’s Yaya]  Dam: Dillon's Miss Kitty (m) 1991 blk Tovero [Marshall Dillon (r) Ch Tovero X Got Rox City Kitty (r) Blk Tobi] O/B M. Haberman/B.L.I.S.S. (sold)

Armed & Lethal.  2004 black sabino. PS TWH CM by NAG Sire: The Stonecutter ® 1996 [The Pusher C.G. X Royal Silhouette) Dam: I'm Armed And Pushy ® 2000 [Gen's Armed And Dangerous X Pushovers Priceless] (300)

Rampant Breakage, 20?? Chestnut Sabino, large (unknown make) SM CM and body color by Lea Magga of Finland, markings and hair by NAG. Sire: Dam: 150) 


Chance Of A Lifetime, Loud Chestnut Sabino, Unknown SM Resin by Lea Magga of Finland, Finishwork by NAG. Sire: Dam: (150)

Pushin Color, 201? Chestnut Sabino.  SM foal Etchie by Penneybrooke Creations/Crissi Penney. Sire: ? Dam: Bullet Proof Bess (m) [? X ?] (35)

Pushin Rain. (ID ONLY) Black maximum Tovero. 2007.  Sire: Armed And Lethal (m) 2003 blk sabino [The Ghost That Walks X ?]  Dam: OSS Genuine Chrome (m) 2003 Blu Roan Tov, [OSS Chromed Out Cat (m) 1999 Blk Tovero X Your Cheatin’ Heart (m) 1997 bl roan [Gen’s Sir Charles (r) blk X Lily of Silver (r) True Blue Roan] 

Pusher's Armed and Dangerous (ID ONLY) Black loud Sabino 2003. Sire: The Ghost That Walks (m) 1999 Blk Sab (Deja Blu (r) X Society's Dangerous Lady (r)) Dam: Dangerous Jane (r) 1996 blk or Ch [Gen's Armed And Dangerous WGC X Mary Jane's Fashion by Pride's Fashion HW] 

Armed and Hammered. (ID only) Black Sabino 1999. Sire: Addicted 2 Alcohol (ID) bay sab 1995 (The Addict (m) X Painted By Power (r)) Dam: Generators Armed Delight (r) 1996 (Gen's Armed And Dangerous (r) X Small Town Cutie) (300 when finished)

The Addict. (ID ONLY) Black Minimal Sabino, 1993. Sire: BVF My Drug Dealer (ID) [The Pusher C.G. (r) X ?] Dam: My Jackie O (r, deceased) 1988 (Pride's Generator X Counts Silver Lining) (All foals should have "Addicted To ...", or "... Addict" in the name)  (300)

BVF Fueled By Bourbon. (ID ONLY) 200? Red Bay Sabino/Frame Overo. Sire: A Trace Of Moonlight (r) blk overo [Moonlight Chief X Moonlight Diablo],  Dam: ?  Superior champion in IMEHA. (120)

BVF Can I Get A Push, (ID ONLY) 20?? Black Sabino, Sire:  Dam:

​BVF Busted Generator. (ID ONLY) 20?? Chestnut Tobiano.  Sire:  Dam:

Midnight At Bob's, (ID ONLY) 20?? Black Sabino.  Sire:  Dam: 

Generator's Push  (ID ONLY) 20?? Chestnut Tobiano.  Sire: Dam: (300) 

Addicted 2 Pusher. (ID ONLY) Red Bay Sabino 1995. Midnight Sun CM by NAG. Sire: The Addict (m) blk Sab '93 (BVF My Drug Dealer (m) X My Jackie O (r, deceased)) Dam: Painted By Power (r) 1992 Bay Sab (Painted Black Power X Ultras Sunshine Gal) (400) NFS Living with his Co-Owner currently.

BVF Spirit Generator. (ID ONLY) Black Maximum sabino.  Sire: Blanko Buster (r) [Pushers Bustin Loose X Master Copy’s Torri]  Dam: 

BVF Pusher’s Top Score (ID ONLY). Blue Roan Sabino. PS DAH TWH.  Sire: BVF Pushin An'a Shakin (ID)  Dam:  

​BVF Dillon’s Bomb Threat. (ID ONLY) Silver Grulla Tobiano.  Sire: Dunn Cashed In (r) Dam: Dillon's Loving Miss Kitty (r) 

Pushin Mello Yellow. (ID ONLY) Palomino Sabino 2008. Sire: Ebony's White Million (m) 1998 [Ebony's White Gold (m) 1994 X Go Boy's One In A Million (bso) 1994]  Dam: Pusher's Armed Hannah (r) 2004 [Gen's Armed And Dangerous X Pushers Hannahbrooke]

BVF Gen’s Got The Look (ID ONLY). Strawberry roan Sabino, 200? , Sire: Dam: 

BVF Ima Lit Up Dealer. (ID ONLY) Amber Champagne Tobiano.  200? Sire:  Dam:

Pushin The Darkness. (ID ONLY) 2000 Bay Sabino, Sire: Pusher All Color ® 1991 bay sabino [The Pusher C.G. X Ebony March Glory]  Dam: Superstitious Woman (r) 1992 bay [Pride's Ultra Threat X Main Dame]  Supreme Champion in IMEHA. IMEHA Parking Benefit Custom Stallion Challenge - June 2012 Division Grand Champion. ​(300) NFS

Gen's Color Copy (ID only). bay minimal sabino, Light Shod. ? CM by NAG.  Sire: Pusher All Color ® [The Pusher C.G. X Ebony March Glory]  Dam:

The Archetype, (ID only) 1993 Chestnut Tovero. Sire: Marshall Dillon (r) '79 Ch Tov [Go Boys Main Event X Wonder Liz]  Dam: Suns Mountain Sugar (r) '86 B [Ebony's Mountain Man X Midnight Belle G] 

Pushin The Line (body pending) Bay sabino. Andalusian Foal CM by NAG.  Sire: Pusher All Color ® [The Pusher C.G. X Ebony March Glory]  Dam:


Pushin Blues 199? Black sabino. SM TWH CM finished by NAG Sire:  Dam: (50)

BVF She's Armed And Dangerous. Chestnut Tobiano. OF SM TWH. 2009 Sire: Gen's  Armed and Dangerous (r) [ X ] Dam:  Open 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017+ (7)

Alen's War Maiden. Black Homozygous Tobiano. SM TWH Etchie by Penneybrooke Creations/Crissi Penney. 200? Sire:  Dam: Open 200? (50) 

Bullet Proof Bess. Chestnut Sabino. 200? SM TWH Etchie by Penneybrooke Creations/Crissi Penney. Sire: Gen's Armed and Dangerous (r) [ X ]  Dam: Open 200? (50)


BVF Apache War Angel. 20?? Bay Tobiano . OF SM TWH. Sire:  Dam: Open 200? (40) 

BVF Dirty Gert. Black Sabino. 200? Breyer OF G3 TWH,  Sire:  Dam:  Open 200? (7) 

BVF Bum’s Magic Threat. Sandy Bay minimal Sabino. Breyer OF SM TWH.  Sire: No Idle Threat (m) 1983 bay [Independent Threat (r) X Idle Race (m)] Dam: Mistral's Daughter (m) 1986 ch. sabino [Pride's Mistral (m) X Strawberry Delight (m)] Bred by ? Open 200? (7) 

OSS Gen’s Cookie Cutter. Black Sabino, G3 SM TWH custom by NAG.  Sire: Pusher All Color ® [The Pusher C.G. X Ebony March Glory]  Dam: BVF Pushin Chrome (m) [? X BVF Chrome Dixie] Superior Champ in IMEHA. Open 200? (50) 

Gen’s Blu and Dangerous. Black Tovero (Tobiano/sabino) Plantation. 200? SM TWH mare CM by NAG. Sire:  Dam: Champion in IMEHA. NAN q'd for 2015-16. Open 200? (50)

BVF Alen's Precious Star. Black Tobiano. OF SM TWH mare. Bfest model. Sire: Alen's Avenger (r) Blk Tovero (Tobi/Sab) [Spotted Alen Again X Pride's Karat]  Dam: ? Open 200? (30) 


BVF Ima Pushy Lady.. 199? Buckskin Tovero (Tobiano/Sabino). Lg. SM size (unknown make) Custom by L. K. Magga of Finland.  Sire:  Dam: Champ in IMEHA. Open 200? (40) 

Genuine Chrome. 2003 Blue Roan Tovero, blue eyes. Mindy resin by Byler.  Sire: OSS Chromed Out Cat (m) 1999 Blk Tovero [Kodachrome (r) 1995 blk Sabino X Dillon's Miss Kitty (m) 1991 blk Tovero] Dam: Your Cheatin’ Heart (m) 1997 bl roan [Gen’s Sir Charles (r) blk X Lily of Silver (r) True Blue Roan] Open 2006, 2008+. Offspring: SMS Genuine Black Magic, 2007 Black Sabino stud, o/b Amy de Wall-Silver Moon Studfarm. Midnight Sun CM. (150) *broken ears.

BVF Pusher's Cotton Gen (ID ONLY) 199? Black Tovero.  Sire:  Dam:

OSS Tragic Fantastic. (ID ONLY) 20?? Bay Roan Tovero. Sire: Pusher All Color ® [The Pusher C.G. X Ebony March Glory]  Dam:   Open 200? (Sold)

Pistol Packin Pusher (body pending) Black Maximum Sabino. Bandit or PS TWH custom by NAG.  Sire:  Dam: Open 200?

OSS Tennessee Trash. (ID ONLY) 2004 Chestnut Sabino, Bandit custom by NAG. Sire: Kodachrome Firewalker ® 2002 chestnut sabino [Gen's Kodachrome X F88's Snowfire] Dam: Gen's Burning Rage ® 1993 [Pride's Generator X Ultra's Lady Love] Superior champ in IMEHA. Foals: 2010 BVF Pusher On Ice, Black varnish roan Walkaloosa, Sire: BVF Color Me Up (m). Open 2007-2009, 2011-2019. 

Pusher's Coin Generator (ID ONLY) 199? Chestnut sabino.  Sire:  Dam:

BVF Gen's Call Girl, (ID only) 2015? Black Sabino. OF? CM?? Sire: Nikko's Rhythm & Blues (m) Dam: BVF Bullet Proof Bess (m).

BVF Chrome Dixie (ID) Black Sabino. 199? OF? CM?  Sire: Dam: . Open 200?

BVF Pushin Chrome (body pending) 30?? Black Sabino. Bandit CM by NAG Sire:  Dam: BVF Chrome Dixie (m) Open 200?

All Color Masterpiece. (ID ONLY) Bay Sabino. Sire: Pusher All Color ® [The Pusher C.G. X Ebony March Glory]  Dam: BVF Bum's Butter Rum (m) [? X ?] 


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