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Nikki Erickson - Artist - Photographer

My studio name has been changed several times in the last 20 years; from Good Shepherd Studios before the year 2000 and then to On The Spot Studios from 2000 to 2013, and now to NAG Productions in late 2014. Hopefully this one will stick permanently. NAG are my [birth] initials, and it's quite suited to what I create, being that I remake horses and mules among other hoofed animals. I suppose my logo will change over time as I come up with better things suited to me and my sense of humor.

​I do not do this as a job to earn additional income by any means- it's just a hobby! If I sell any of my customs, I price them by how much the body cost me (usually around $15 to $50 per model), and how much my time and talent are worth to me. I do not go by what the hobby economy is doing. My models have sold all over the world, even if it's been through second hand buyers.


I do not usually take commissions because I just end up burnt out on projects and end up taking a year or more to complete.

If you have any comments, critiques or questions, please email me here.


Below are my faithful pets, my furbabies, L to R: Eddie, Bug and Auggie.

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