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Prices: for CM AND FINISHWORK *pastels and/or airbrush*.


Simple CM: 300.00 - 350.00 new mane, tail, flicked ear, new muzzle and gender upgrade, fix cannon bones if needed. And color. This includes taking off the old plastic tail and sculpting a new one.


Medium CM: 350.00 to 400.00: new sculpted neck, mane, tail, face, fix cannon bones if needed, flicked ear, new gender. And color.


Massive drastic CM: 500.00 - 700.00: new musculature over entire body, neck resculpted, mane and tail redone, face resculpted, legs moved and sculpted.


I am not taking hairing orders.


*** Wanting a BLANK- no finishwork, will be priced depending on what you want done on an individual basis.


Customer to provide body (Breyer or Stone) I will do mane and tail sculpting on resins ONLY if it's OKed by the sculpting artist. I will NOT move legs or neck on a resin. Customer must pay shipping to me and back to them when finished.


I work on Trad and Classic scale, sometimes I'll take SM (ask for prices) but I will not work on Micros, my eyesight isn't good enough to work on them.


I will take time payments if I know you personally, otherwise it's half down, half upon completion of model/s. Shipping is usually around $20.00 in the US.


Feel free to ask any questions- EMAIL ME HERE!

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